35 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Deformasi Gunung Muria Periode 2010-2014

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    KARAKTERISTIK DEFORMASI GUNUNG MURIA PERIODE 2010-2014. Kegiatan pemantauan deformasi di Gunung Muria direkomendasikan oleh IAEA untuk dilakukan selama lima tahun. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk mengetahui deformasi tanah di sekitar Muria yang terdiri dari pergeseran regional maupun lokal serta nilai regangan tanah, data ini bermanfaat untuk mendukung aspek keamanan dan keandalan calon tapak dalam rencana pembangunan PLTN (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir) di Semenanjung Muria, Jawa Tengah. Sejak tahun 2010 sampai dengan 2014 telah dilakukan pemantauan pada 5 lokasi BM (Benchmark). yaitu di Mijen, Rahtawu, Perdopo, Cranggang, dan Ketek Putih. Pemantauan dilakukan dengan metode survei GPS secara periodik bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Geodesi ITB. Hasil analisis menggunakan software GAMIT 10.4 dapat disimpulkan bahwa sampai dengan tahun 2014 terjadi pergeseran regional di sekitar Muria yang didominasi oleh pergerakan lempeng (rotasi blok Sunda) dengan kecepatan 2,2 cm/tahun. Pergeseran lokal terjadi di 5 lokasi BM dengan kecepatan 2-3 mm/tahun. Perhitungan regangan diperoleh nilai sebesar 2 x 10-2 microstrain/tahun terjadi di wilayah Utara Muria, nilai tersebut lebih tinggi dari nilai regangan yg konsisten (5 x 10-8 microstrain/tahun), artinya ada indikasi gerakan tanah


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    Seorang guru dituntut untuk menerapkan sebuah model pembelajaran dan metode atau teknik-teknik tertentu yang dapat menciptakan kegiatan belajar mengajar kelas menjadi aktif, inovatif, kreatif, dan menyenangkan. Pada akhir pembelajaran akan diperoleh kondisi kelas yang termotivasi, aktivitas yang tinggi serta hasil belajar yang memuaskan. Oleh karena itu, pengajaran perlu menciptakan suasana belajar sedemikian rupa sehingga siswa mampu memahami materi yang disampaikan dengan penuh rasa pemaknaan dari apa yang sudah dipelajarinya. Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas peneliti mengajukan judul untuk penelitian ini adalah “Peran Model Problem BasedLearning (Pbl) Melalui Media Audio Visual Dalam Mengimplementasikan Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada Mata Pelajaran PendidikanPancasila DanKewarganegaraan”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan secara deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif mempelajari masalah-masalah dalam masyarakat serta tata cara yang berlaku dalam masyarakat dan situasi-situasi tertentu, termasuk tentang hubungan, kegiatan-kegiatan, sikap-sikap, pandangan-pandangan, serta proses-proses yang sedang berlangsung dan pengaruh-pengaruh dari suatu fenomena. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan studi dokumen. Subjek dari penelitian adalah guru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan peserta didik kelas X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 15 Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan peserta didik kelas X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 15 Bandung, ini terungkap bahwa: 1) Dengan indicator atau kompetensi yang ada di dalam model Problem Based Learning secara tidak langsung sudah turut mengimplementasikan pembelajaran abad 21. 2) Kegiatan belajar mengajar akan terasa pasif atau tidak adanya antusiasme dari peserta didik bila seorang guru tidak menerapkan model pembelajaran yang inovatif. 3) Dengan model Problem Based Leaning melalui media audio visual pembelajaran lebih inovatif, menarik dan tidak menjenuhkan siswa. Karena kegiatan belajar lebih mengorientasikan peserta didik kepada pemaknaan materi, disamping itu pembelajaran lebih berkualitas karena kegiatan belajar berpusat kepada perserta didik sedangka guru hanya sebagai fasilitator. Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran, Problem Based Learning, Pembelajaran Abad 21


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    Sunda strait has a relatively high seismic activity. The high seismic activity was caused by the seismic zoneat that region, including the faults zone. Based on the high seismic activity in the Sunda Strait, it is necessary to doresearch about the strain that occurred in the Sunda Strait region to determine the tectonic activity in that area andits seismic hazard. To observe the tectonic activity in the Sunda Strait, GPS observations were made periodicallywith static differential method at the observation points located in the Sunda Strait region. Based on the strainanalysis, the southwestern part of the Sunda Strait tend to experience compression and the northeastern part tendto experience extention. Sunda Strait had a relatively high seismic hazard with maximum PGA 0,47 g

    Assessment of Different Real Time Precise Point Positioning Correction Over the Sea Area

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    In a global scale, the accuracy of Real Time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) method in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) point positioning is within cm to dm level. Unlike other conventional method in GNSS point positioning which used differential data to minimize the error sources, RT-PPP used additional orbit correction, clock correction and other atmospheric correction to minimize the error since RT-PPP is an absolute point positioning method. Currently, there are several providers who give the orbit correction and clock correction in real-time. Not only in the land area, this service can be also used in sea area. Thus, this research aims to analyse the differences in point determination derived from RT-PPP method by using several service providers in sea area. The RT-PPP data acquisition used three different receivers with unique service correction, namely RTX correction from Trimble Net R9 receiver, ATLAS correction from Hemisphere receiver and Veripos correction from Hemisphere receiver. All these antennas were set up on the ship with a controlled distance and the point coordinates were estimated from Seribu Island to Ancol, Jakarta with a different time interval for each receiver due to the technical limitations. To assess the point positioning stability, the distance between each antenna derived from point positioning then evaluated by comparing to its controlled distance. The results indicate that a time lag is found in Trimble Net R9 compared with the others, and it should be corrected first before applying the further analysis. In general, after removing the outliers, the distance and the precision between each antenna between Veripos-ATLAS is 4.472 ± 0.040 m, RTX-ATLAS is 2.054 ± 0.077 m and RTX-Veripos is 3.947 ± 0.060 m. Therefore, RT-PPP method can be used as an alternative in precise point positioning in sea area

    The Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Modeling of Piping Instrumentation at Oil and Gas Company

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    Three-dimensional (3D) models are indispensable in managing, operating, maintaining, and repairing piping instrumentation activities in oil and gas companies. 3D models are expected to provide more interactive and representative information according to actual objects. Several technologies that can be used to generate piping instrumentation 3D maps are Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Handheld 3D Scanner (HS). This study aims to create a 3D model of piping instrumentation using a combination of TLS and HS and analyze the results of data validation used for modeling. The results showed that a 3D modeling of piping instrumentation could be generated accurately using a combination of TLS and HS technologies. Merging between the two data is carried out through a cloud-to-cloud registration process based on the geometry of the object by considering the selection of reference data, the similarity of the scale factor, the unit of measure, and the overlap of the two data. The registration error generated in combining these two methods is less than 0.003 m. The resulting model still has drawbacks, which is the absence of coding for the pipe caused by the unavailability of the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) during modeling. The geometric validation of the model size value using reference data and the field size has the largest absolute difference of 0.0034 m with an average absolute deviation of 0.0016 m

    The Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Modeling of Piping Instrumentation at Oil and Gas Company

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    Three-dimensional (3D) models are indispensable in managing, operating, maintaining, and repairing piping instrumentation activities in oil and gas companies. 3D models are expected to provide more interactive and representative information according to actual objects. Several technologies that can be used to generate piping instrumentation 3D maps are Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Handheld 3D Scanner (HS). This study aims to create a 3D model of piping instrumentation using a combination of TLS and HS and analyze the results of data validation used for modeling. The results showed that a 3D modeling of piping instrumentation could be generated accurately using a combination of TLS and HS technologies. Merging between the two data is carried out through a cloud-to-cloud registration process based on the geometry of the object by considering the selection of reference data, the similarity of the scale factor, the unit of measure, and the overlap of the two data. The registration error generated in combining these two methods is less than 0.003 m. The resulting model still has drawbacks, which is the absence of coding for the pipe caused by the unavailability of the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) during modeling. The geometric validation of the model size value using reference data and the field size has the largest absolute difference of 0.0034 m with an average absolute deviation of 0.0016 m

    The Use of GNSS GPS Technology for Offshore Oil and Gas Platform Subsidence Monitoring

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    Due to oil and gas exploitation, offshore oil and gas platform may experience subsidence. Continuing subsidence may deform the platform infrastructures, adding the risk for any failure on the platform objects. The failure means disaster. Therefore the subsidence information is mandatory for risk assessment and safety requirement. Repeatedly or continuous monitoring of accurate positions on the platform by using global navigation satellite system global positioning system (GNSS GPS) technology may reveal the changing of even small positions which are representing subsidence on the platform. This chapter will be deeply discussed on the use of GNSS GPS technology for offshore oil and gas platform subsidence monitoring, especially in Indonesia, the archipelago country where long baseline between reference station in the land and monitoring station at the sea slightly exists. The capability and especially the high performance of this technology on deriving subsidence information along with data sample of long baseline will be highlighted

    Eksplorasi Pemberdayaan sebagai Model Pembinaan Narapidana Korupsi: Studi Kasus pada Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Tangerang

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    Pembinaan narapidana korupsi yang dilakukan di dalam penjara pada kenyataannya belum mampu membangun kesadaran akan kesalahan dan kemauan untuk bertanggungjawab atas perbuatan yang telah dilakukannya. Banyak narapidana korupsi hanya menghabiskan waktu selama didalam penjara dengan menjalankan rutinitas seperti olahraga, beribadah dan menyalurkan hobi yang pada umumnya dibungkus dengan pendekatan pembinaaan kepribadian dan kemandirian. Dalam kondisi ini perlu dilakukan suatu terobosan agar narapidana korupsi diberikan program dan kegiatan yang dapat mewujudkan kesadaran akan kesalahan dan kemampuan bertanggungjawab atas korupsi yang telah dilakukannya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengeksplor bagaimana pola pembinaan narapidana korupsi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Tangerang, faktor apa saja yang menjadi kendala dalam implementasi pembinaan, dan bagaimana penerapan metode pemberdayaan sebagai model pembinaan terhadap narapidana korupsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat peluang penerapan pemberdayaan melalui upaya peningkatan kapasitas, peningkatan psikologis dan peningkatan partisipasi sehingga mampu mendorong perubahan perilaku narapidana korupsi agar sadar akan kesalahan dan bertanggungjawab atas perbuatannya. Penelitian kombinasi dengan model sequential-exploratory digunakan peneliti untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian.  Hasil penelitian ini mencatat bahwa Pertama, program dan kegiatan pembinaan narapidana korupsi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas I Tangerang tidak berbeda dengan program dan kegiatan pembinaan bagi narapidana umum, Kedua, ketiadaan regulasi teknis terkait model pembinaan khusus bagi narapidana korupsi serta administrasi yang mendukung pelaksanaan pembinaan dimaksud menjadi faktor penyebab program dan kegiatan yang diberikan sama dengan narapidana umum. Ketiga, pemberdayaan sebagai program dan kegiatan pembinaan khusus narapidana korupsi dapat diterapkan sebagai komplemen program pembinaan kepribadian dan kemandirian. Oleh sebab itu penerapan pembinaan bagi narapidana korupsi perlu dibedakan dengan narapidana umum,  yang diperkuat dengan regulasi dan manajemen yang tepat melaui pelaksanaan metode pemberdayaan narapidana korupsi

    Insight into the Correlation between Land Subsidence and the Floods in Regions of Indonesia

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    Land subsidence by definition is the lowering of ground level from certain elevation references. The rates of subsidence can commonly vary between 1 and 20 centimeters per year and even more in certain places. Subsidence produces impacts such as infrastructure damage, problems with drainage, wider expansion of flood water, as well as tidal inundation (flooding by sea water at coastal areas experiencing land subsidence). These impacts are quite costly. All this is disastrous. In a number of regions of Indonesia, land subsidence and negative impacts in the shape of flooding and tidal inundation clearly exist. In Jakarta and Bandung we can see that the subsiding areas close to rivers frequently suffer from flooding. Tidal inundation is a regular feature at subsiding coastal areas such as Jakarta, Blanakan, Semarang, and Demak. Since these negative impacts are clearly formed a disaster while mitigation and or adaptation is still a big homework, in this case for better adaptation and mitigation in the future, understanding deeply the correlation of land subsidence and flooding is necessary as discused in this chapter. We conclude that the correlation is quite tremendous and indeed producing a disaster

    Performance Assessment of GNSS Augmentation System Using Quasi-Zenith Satellite System for Real-time Precise Positioning Method in Indonesia

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    The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) is one of the GNSS technologies owned by the Japanese government, which orbits around East Asia, Asia Pacific, and Oceania. One of the advantages of the QZSS satellite is that it corrects the measurements using precise ephemeris, clock, and other augmenting corrections, and is primarily used for the Real-Time Precise Point Positioning (RTPPP) method. This study aimed to examine the QZSS system\u27s performance for RTPPP measurements in Indonesia. Magellan System Japan\u27s (MSJ) receiver was applied to collect the GNSS and the augmenting data to perform the RTPPP. RTPPP method was then made into the static and kinematic scheme. Various methods were also carried out on each method, such as static, Real-Time Kinematic (RTK), and other RTPPP providers. The result is that the precision level of the RTPPP method for the static scheme using the QZSS augmentation could give precision up to 5 cm in the open sky condition. Similar to other RTPPP correction providers, QZSS-RTPPP took approximately 20 minutes for the initiation process. The Accuracy of QZSS-RTPPP reached approximately 20 cm caused by the epoch reference for the actual coordinate was in epoch 2012.0, while the RT-PPP observations were occupied in 2019. The precision and accuracy level of QZSS-RTPPP tend to be more unstable in light and heavy obstructed conditions. In the measurements against 20 benchmarks at ITB Jatinangor, the accuracy value for the QZSS-RTPPP ranged from 5-40 cm. The RTPPP QZSS method\u27s average accuracy for the easting, northing, and height components, respectively, was 0.110 m, 0.056 m, and 0.120 m. Utilizing the QZSS RTPPP measurements at sea for the moving platform, the obtained horizontal component precision level was between 10 and 20 cm. On the other hand, the overall precision for QZSS RTPPP measurement over the land region for the moving platform was lower than one meter for horizontal components, while the vertical component was lower than two meters